Thursday, 30 April 2009

design management

this time i want to talk about my dissertation. my dissertation is about design management and how to use design build a brand value. 

usually people feel surprise when they notice my background is design instead of business, i guess because they think there are not much connection between marketing and design. and this always take me a while to explain to them why i am doing this. but sometimes i will ask myself do really i completely understand the connection them? honesty i really can't answer this question. i really want to explore this topic and i believe this would be help in my future too. this is one of the reason i chose design management for my topic.

design is an efficient management tool for developing a more customer focused culture for a brand. in business, relations between design and branding are more complementary than divergent. both work to build a product strategy that differentiates the company from the competition and strengthens its competitive advantage. the designer contributes by creating the differences that are perceived by the consumer as benefits, this can impact on consumer behaviour, no matter from the retail store, a brand or a product.  brand is the most frequently used process of differentiation. 

in theory, design and branding share the same mind-set of develop an understanding of customer needs and the factors that influence those needs in order to establish healthy customer relationships. In practice, the relationship between design and branding poses  problems that spring from a reciprocal ignorance of the other profession. 

the relationship between design and branding are not limited in graphic design (e.g. brand name, logo and advertisement). there are much more for example product design ( product performance), packaging design (out look of product), environment design (the store setting and window display). 

the concept of design management has grown fast in last decade. and branding has become a important part in marketing and marketing strategic. so what happen when design management merge with branding? i hope after this summer, i can explore much more on this topic.

and i hope this will give you an idea what is design management, i guess this is not a popular topic in marketing :)


  1. Hi Clara,
    Thanks for this information, i agree too that design can represent branding and create differentiate from other competitors.

  2. Sounds like a very interesting dissertation topic, and is nice that you can use your previous education when writing it. I'm doing something similar my self, by looking into women and management - in the furniture sector, I'm using sources learned from my interior consultant education. Good luck with your dissertation process!

  3. Anonymous5/08/2009

    hi, there is connection between design management and marketing, the part of branding is designing the Logo that represent the brand and which become not only the identity of the brand but also the company, so careully designing the brand is vital, keeo it up that gonna link with ur studies and professional job, I want to read more about this....
